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Hmong Christian Institute

Of the Hmong District of C&MA 

COURSE:  MIN-202: Church Health

INSTRUCTOR:  Rev. Dr. Lantzia Thao (Kx. Tswv Txos Thoj)


MIN 202 gears toward seeing the problems of the churches, understanding of church health, and describing approaches toward a healthy church. MIN 202 is a college-transferable course for those who are seeking a college degree. As for the non-traditional students, upon completion of the Hmong Christian Institute program, the individuals are eligible for accreditation or ministry licensing with the Hmong District.



Upon completing this course, the students will have a clear picture of what hinders the churches from being healthy, what a growing healthy church should look like, what the Bible is teaching regarding the health of the church, and how individuals are able to follow practical and Christ-centered strategy or approach for a growing healthy church in their own local church.


  1. Spander, Dann and Gary Mayes. Growing A Healthy Church. Chicago, Illinois: Moody Press, 1991.

  2. Whitesel, Bob. The Healthy Church. Indianapolis, Indiana: Wesleyan Publishing House, 2013.

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